General Terms and Conditions

Radonova Laboratories AB, (”Radonova”) operates the website and as well as associated pages (“Website”). Radonova Laboratories business operation is registered by the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

These general terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) apply when a consumer (“Customer”) makes an order via the Website.

The seller reserves the right in individual cases to deny or change a Customer order (for example if the Customer has stated incorrect personal data and/or has a record of non-payment).

The seller makes reservation for goods being sold out and for any image or text errors on the Website, such as error in a production description or technical specification, incorrect price and also price adjustment (such as changed price from a supplier or exchange rate changes). The seller is entitled to correct such errors and to change or update the information at any time. All image information on the Website shall be regarded as illustrations only. Such illustrations cannot be guaranteed to show the number of products the Customer will receive or the exact appearance, function or origin of the product.

The Website is owned by Radonova. The content on the Website is owned by Radonova or its Partners or its licensors. The information is protected by intellectual property and market legislation. This means that brands, company names, product names, images and graphics, design, layout and also information about products, services and other content must not be copied or used without written agreement from Radonova.

Contract and order
In order to make a purchase via the Website, the Customer must accept the Terms and Conditions. By accepting the Terms and Conditions, the Customer undertakes to comply with the Terms and Conditions in their entirety, and also agrees that he/she has partaken of the information about personal data and agreed to the use of personal data according to Radonova’s Integrity Policy.

Customer data, etc.
If Radonova suspects that the Customer is misusing his/her user account or his/her login data or otherwise is in breach of the Terms and Conditions, Radonova is entitled to suspend the Customer. Radonova is also entitled to allocate new login information to the Customer.

Prices, fees and payments
The prices stated on the Website apply to orders via the Website.

The Customer may pay in the ways stated on the Website. The seller is entitled to take payment from the Customer already in conjunction with the order, unless payment against invoice or another similar payment method has been selected by the Customer. For payment against invoice, a credit check may be carried out. In this case, the Customer will be informed. Radonova reserves the right to not always offer all payment methods and to change payment methods if the method selected by the Customer for some reasons does not work on the purchase occasion, or if the Customer has not been approved for the selected payment method.

Campaigns and offers
The seller may from time to time run campaigns on the Website that may offer terms and conditions that are more favourable than those included in these Terms and Conditions, for example in relating to payment or extended cancellation period. These more favourable terms and conditions apply for as long as the campaign is active and for the specific products stated by the seller in conjunction with the campaign. The seller reserves the right to cancel such campaigns at any time. If a campaign is terminated or cancelled, these Terms and Conditions shall apply without changes. Offers on specific products are valid for a limited period and for as long as stocks last.

Delivery and transport
Products in stock are normally delivered within the number of working days stated on the Website.

Cancellation right
When buying products on the Website, a 14 day cancellation period always applies according to the applicable consumer legislation. This means that the Customer is entitled to cancel the purchase by giving notice of this within 14 days from the date the Customer or the Customer’s representative received the produce ordered (cancellation period).

The right of cancellation does not apply to the following product types:

A product manufactured to the Customer’s specifications or that has otherwise been given a clear personal character or a product with a broken seal that cannot be returned because the detector is exposed.

If the Customer wishes to cancel a purchase made via the Website, the Customer shall, before the cancellation period expires, send a clear message to Radonova at the following email address: customerservice [at] In the message, the Customer shall state his/her name, address and other relevant information, such as order number, invoice number and the name of the product.

When exercising the cancellation right, the Customer shall pay for the return freight and shall be responsible for the condition of the product after the Customer received the product and during the return freight. The product shall be returned no later than 14 days after the date the notice of exercise of the cancellation right was given to Radonova. The product shall be returned well packaged, in good condition and in its original packaging.
On occasion, the seller may offer free returns for some products. If free return applies, this is shown on the product page in question on the Website, otherwise the Customer shall pay for the return freight.
If the Customer cancels the purchase, the amount paid by the Customer for the product is returned to the Customer with the corresponding delivery method. The exception is any additional delivery costs resulting from the Customer having selected a delivery method other than the standard delivery offered by the seller.

The seller shall refund the amount soonest, however no later than 30 days after the date on which the Customer’s notice of exercise of the cancellation right was received. The seller may, however, delay the refund until such time as the seller has received the product or the Customer can prove that the product has been returned, such as by showing proof of posting. The refund will be made to the Customer via the payment option selected by the Customer, unless otherwise has been agreed, or an obstacle exists to such repayment.

Guarantee and claim
The right to make a claim covers products that are faulty according to the applicable consumer protection legislation. A Customer who wishes to claim for a fault in a product ordered shall contact the seller as soon as possible after discovering the claim, using the contact data stated on the Website. Claims made no later than six months after the Customer discovered the fault shall always be deemed to have been made within the correct time.

The seller shall only be responsible for return freight on claims approved, otherwise the Customer shall pay for the return freight.

When a faulty product has been returned and the claim approved, the seller will recompense the Customer according to the applicable consumer protection legislation. The seller shall strive to ensure this occurs no later than 30 days after the seller has received the claim, but it may take a longer time depending on the nature of the product. The seller reserves the right to refuse a claim if it turns out the product is not faulty according to applicable consumer protection legislation. When handling claims, the seller complies with the guidelines of the National Board for Consumer Disputes or corresponding authorities in other European countries, see Further information is available at

Force majeure
The seller is not responsible for delays caused by circumstances over which the seller has not control, such as general labour conflict, war, fire, lightning strike, terrorist attack, change in regulation issued by a public authority, technical problem, faults in electricity/telecommunication/data connections or other communication or fault or delay in services from a sub-contractor due to a cause as described here. Such circumstance shall constitute a ground for exemption that entails exemption from damages and other sanctions. If any such situation should arise, the seller shall inform the Customer both at the start and at the end of the period during which the situation in question applies. If the circumstance has lasted for longer than two months, both the Customer and the seller are entitled to cancel the purchase with immediate effect.

Changes to Terms and Conditions
The seller reserves the right to make changes to these Terms and Conditions at any time. Changes become applicable as from the time the Customer has accepted the Terms and Conditions (in conjunction with a new purchase or at a visit to the Website), or alternatively 30 days after the seller has informed the Customer of the changes. The seller recommends however that the Customer stays updated on the Website regularly in order to become aware of any changes to the Terms and Conditions.

If a competent court, public authority or arbitral tribunal should find that a provision in these Terms and Conditions is invalid or unenforceable, the provision in question and all other provisions shall be valid and enforceable to the extent applicable legislation allows. The provisions that have been declared invalid or unenforceable will be replaced by relevant legal guidelines and advice.

Applicable law and dispute
Disputes shall in the first instance be solved in consultation following discussion with the seller’s customer service function. In the event of a dispute, the seller complies with the guidelines of the National Board for Consumer Disputes or corresponding authorities in other European countries.

Any dispute relating to the interpretation or implementation of these Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with Swedish law and shall be determined by the National Board for Consumer Disputes, or in the last instance by a public court.

Integrity policy

Personal data
Radonova protects its Customers’ personal integrity and always strives to protect personal data as well as possible. It is Radonova’s aim to comply with all legislation and regulations governing personal data protection, as changed from time to time. This policy aims to help Customers understand the type of information Radonova collects, and how it is used. By agreeing to this document on the Website in conjunction with a purchase or provision of information, you agree to your personal data being handled as follows.

Radonova Laboratories AB, 556690-0717, Box 6522, Rapsgatan 25 (visitor address), SE-751 38 Uppsala, Sweden, is the personal data controller in the handling of your personal data.

What personal data do we handle, and how do we use your personal data?
We will handle the personal data you provide or have provided to us or that we have collected from the Website using cookies, to enable us to administer your purchase and fulfil our undertakings towards you as Customer.

The data may also be used for identification, direct marketing, customer surveys, newsletters and for statistical purposes. The data may also be used for mailings via post, text message and email and for marketing and information via telephone, unless you have refused this. You may contact us at any time to stop any marketing towards you as Customer.

The data may also be used to analyse purchase habits to enable us to provide you with relevant information and marketing and in order to improve the Website, payment solutions and payment processes. Handling in order to improve payment solutions and payment processes entails Radonova not handling the data on the Customer’s behalf for a period longer than necessary in order to fulfil Radonova’s undertaking towards the Customer. Personal data may be co-processed with data from other registers, such as credit check registers.

Use of the data may entail co-processing with other registers, both within and outside the EU, in accordance with applicable legislation and regulations. The data may also be co-processed or shared with public authorities or our business partners, for example for printing and distribution, as well as with payment agents and credit companies for payments or credit checks. Radonova always takes the greatest possible care on such occasions.

If the whole or part of Radonova’s business is sold or integrated with another business, your personal data may be passed to our advisers, any purchaser and its advisers, and passed to the new owners of the business.

How do we protect your personal data?
In order to keep the personal data we handle safe, we have undertaken several security measures: We have implemented security procedures and also technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data. We also have appropriate firewalls and anti-virus programs to protect and prevent unauthorised access to the network.

Access to, updating and correcting your personal data
According to applicable personal data legislation, you are entitled once every calendar year to receive information free of charge of the personal data relating to you that is handled, irrespective of how it has been collected. If you wish to receive such information, please submit a written request to us. According to applicable personal data legislation, such a request shall be signed by you and sent by post to the address shown on the Website. It should thus not be sent by email.

Radonova wishes to ensure your personal data is correct and up to date. If any of the data provided to Radonova should change, such as your email address, name or payment data, or if you want to terminate your user account, please provide the correct data to Radonova by sending an email message to: customerservice [at] You are entitled at any time to request the personal data to be corrected, blocked or deleted.

Changes to the integrity policy
Radonova reserves the right to make changes to this integrity policy at any time to the extent the changes are necessary in order to correct disruptions or to comply with new legal or technical requirements.